L o a d i n g

Thorncrown Chapel

Designed with soaring glass panels and wooden arches, creating a transparent, forest-integrated sanctuary that emphasizes light and natural beauty.

Designer :
E. Fay Jones
Type :
Completed :


With over 425 glass windows and a repeating column and truss structure, this vertical chapel is a “forest within a forest”. It reaches 48 feet high with 60 feet length and is mere 24 feet wide. The natural and sustainable design is emphasised with locally sourced materials.

The model of Thorncrown Chapel was constructed by first modeling the structural components and manually adjusting the spacing between the trusses. The facades and roof were completed before adding intricate interior details like seating, and arranging all models in 3ds Max with Corona light and HDR environment lighting. The night scene was then refined in Photoshop, adjusting light intensity and color balance. The extensive terrain was divided into segments, populated with trees using Forest Pack, and a lawn model was employed for the grassy areas. Rocks and road features were carefully placed manually for a realistic look.

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